What do we know about the city of Voronezh in Russia?
I suggest, most of our readers have never heard anything breathtaking about it. However, there are some interesting moments that make Voronezh interesting. E.g.: Veronika Stetsenko who grew up and was established as an artist there. Stetsenko's creative work is very recognizable due to her love of abstract forms and a complex palette that includes not only bright jazzy colors but pastel colors as well. Her series "Hypnagogia" is a great example of visual proof.

In her supporting statement, Stetsenko says that: "Hypnagogia is a state of consciousness that occurs between wakefulness and sleep. It has been the subject of much fascination and study in recent years. My artwork explores the mystery and wonder of this state, inviting viewers to contemplate the many ways in which it shapes our lives".

And it really is an exploration mission for the viewer. A wild mix of dark and light colors creates some sort of a rival on the canvas surface. The whitish spots we see at the bottom create a dynamic pattern in the painting. They like jellyfish that are eager to get to the surface from the bottom of the sea. The upper part of the peace contains high-key bright colors, so the comparison with the sea surface may not be that bizarre.

Сlaire Brown